Message = Hi. My name is Alice Spicer, and I have recently launched a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating the stigma associated with Alzheimer's and dementia through publication of creative work. Basically, I want to provide a platform for their voices to penetrate nursing home walls and be heard in the public arena.
Here is our website:
I am writing to ask your support in helping people become aware of a fundraising campaign we are doing for the first publication, "Alzheimer Chronicles: The Invisible Poets," an illustrated collection of short stories. After almost two years worth of weekly storytelling workshops, I think it is about time that others are exposed to these valuable stories. The cognitively unchallenged people in this world have a lot to learn from our forgetful friends.
Here is a video, which demonstrates the level of depth and meaning in their stories:
I hope that you will pass this information along to your friends and colleagues. Our campaign, on ends December 5th. We have about 24% funding so far, with 21 days to go.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Take care,
Alice Spicer
God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!
PS> review if interested follow your feelings.