Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thanks To You All

This is to say thank you. My book has gone to print today and should be available at least electronically in 48 hours we hope.  It is Titled:
                                           Living with Alzhiemers'
                                          (A Conversation If You Will)

So titled because you all have played a part in it. Whether is sells 1 copy or not is not what counts to me, the fact that it has beens something I wanted to do and Thanks to All of You, it has come about. When I get the location for you to look and decide I will post it, quickly if I remember. Lynn will probably beat me until I do.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!!!!!

PS> Thanks Dr. Sivak for your support. To the young lady from Paris who wrote me this morning, I do not know how many visitors from France have been from Paris. I send to you & your fellow country men a big Hug from us here in the USA.