Since i went to the memmory walk here, 1st one in Oceanside, CA, which had 600 walkers so they say, the question of "Who Really Speaks For Us?" Has been runnning in my head. I listened to all the speakers and the walkers, cheering for a cure, what about the cause people? I heard how everyone was helping to care for us and the rest. But NO ONE spoke for me or the others in my world. Where is our Voice. Certainly not with the major companies, major sports or even really the fricken media. Try as I may I cound not find anythin in our local paper The North County Times about it. But the, and you may not like this but tuff, The BOOB walk on sunday drew media and papers. It is I think as I have felt we are throw aways. Fix them boobs, which deaths have been droping on, and I do not wish it on any woman or man (we get it to Ladies), but we have no, I repeat we have NO SURVIVORS' , THAT IS RIGHT NOT ONE! Again, WHERE IS OUR VOICE?
I am ready for the bull mail to come take your best shot at me. I can dish it out and I can take it back. But if you are going to get on my ass, do it publicly with a comment. I put out publicly and am not afraid.
I for one who suffers with this bastard of a disease, am really getting tired of everyone saying we are going forward, but yet I do not see us on the boob tube rarely. Where are the causes? Where are the cures? Where is there real working drugs? I once offered and now I offer again a CHALLENGE to any so called researcher out there my brain to use living samples from, not mice, not dead brain material, although that may be debatable in my case, to use. I know I have been told it may leave me worse off, more demented and I may die, DAH, wath the hell is going to happen anyways.
Until my next tirade or what ever, be good to your selfs.
God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Who Really Speaks For Us?
alzheimer's •
alzhiemers orginization •
breast cancer •
caregivers •
dementia •
parkinsons •
studies •
support •
time warp •
wiriness •