Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Potato Skin lightening Bleach at Home

Hello readers! I think most of the people are tired of using chemicals bleaches and spoiled their skin finally. Chemical bleach simply bleaches your skin, makes it too sensitive and thus causes bad skin even if you go out in sun for an hour. The bleaching effect also disappears within few days and gives you a dark and rough skin! What can we do at home to lighten our skin and vanish black dark spots? Which is the natural product works best for bleaching our skin safely? A simple answer for this question is POTATO :) Yes! Potato is an excellent bleach which can improve your complexion faster than any other chemical products. It's a natural skin lightener which we can use at home. I am going to give you all an excellent bleach recipe for all skin types! Enjoy! Go to your kitchen and collect potatoes :)


  • Potato
  • Rose water
  • Lemon juice (Optional, for oily skin type)
  • Honey (Optional, for dry skin type)

  • Peel off the skin of a potato and grate it.
  • Add a little amount of rose water and grind the grated potato to make a paste. This is the base of our bleach cream.
  • Add lemon juice to this paste if you have oily skin and honey for dry skin. You can also simply use this paste without adding anything, if you are a normal skinned person.
  • Now, you can use this paste over you skin and wash it off after 15 minutes.

  • Instantly brightens skin. A best before party bleach to use at home.
  • Regular use of this natural facial bleach will remove the sun tan completely to give you a fair complexion.
  • This bleach removes blemishes, dark spots, acne scars and lightens your skin fast.

NOTE : For best results, use twice or thrice in a week. This potato bleach recipe may cause a light tingling sensation but this is perfectly normal, it means it's working on your skin to remove the dead cells and unwanted tan.

Let me know your experience, write your feedback to me after trying this bleach recipe at home! :)