Monday, October 3, 2011

What do they know about Alzheimer's really?

I was reading best I coudl an artickle in AARP to day called: Diagnosing Alzheimer's by Katharine Greider. Interesting a lot about nothing, they know they have no tests or real meds to help us, gosh what a fricken surprise.  A Quote; "But scientists don't yet understand exactly what various results of biomarker tests mean for each patient or how they can be used to predict a patient's future. (i typed this from the article.)" Eli Lilly has a drugg Amyvid which is an injectible radioactive dye to stain amyloid deposits for use in PET Scans which may help.  quote from article: "The drugmaker says Amyvid would be for old people with mental decline wose diagnosis is uncertain." you judge that one. This is the best part of the article and only part that is truly reaal in my opinion.
"It will likely be many years before any test can predict precisely who really with get the disease, and when," says Frances, who has helped establish guidelines to iagnose mental disorders. "In the meantime, there will be lots of continued hype about progress in testing," hes says. "The best thing mos people can do is simply ignore it. Instead of worrying about Alzheimer's you should make sure to exercise you mind and body, eat well, don't drink too much, and enjoy life."

Exactly waht my neuroligist a number of years ago said to me, except she said dump the meds they are not going to stop anything. Keeep my shrink so he coulc give me the mental calming drugs and mode stabilizers I would need. And enjoy the time I had left.

Now to those who keep telling me just because you forget placing your glasses, keys, appointments, pens, etc. does not mean you have Alzheimer's. CORRECT, but when you do all these things daily, you have a fricken problem, bub.

I am now entering year 7 and the physciall parts are taking hold, no balance, bladder wants to be on self control, forgetting my meds, needing to hold the walls to walk, back brace so I am not in pain, meds increased to help with symptoms, may even have my ow Scooter Chair soon to I can go shopping and not die in the middle of the store, because I am in pain cannot walk, people just need to disapear, sweating getting confused (some fun). I truly hate it when people tell me hang in there it will be ok. Fuck it will not be ok I am dieing. That is ok, this is just not the way i planned things.

Well till next time take care of yourselves.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!