I hav been deeply moved an honored by the number of people that have wirttin me and sent me emails over the last few days. The words used pay me an honor that I do not deserve. I am but one of many on the journey, I jus am able still to let you know hte rotten side of it here. In watching the HBO special, the real heros were the kids, I cried over their pain and frustration and the absolute resolve they had to love their grandparents and want ing to understand. See you have the tuff part, we just keep forgetting and reach a point that nothing matters as it once did. Someday, they may really know what causes this and may even find a way to stop it, reverse it I do not think so. But wha the hell we are talking about me thinking. I have one brain cell and more than one thought causes a traffic jam and I get totally messed up and confused. It is harder for me to talk these days, words come out kind of liek my typeing. If I get to it today or the nxet couple of days I will be adding some links to other blogs for you to read.
Till next we meet.
God Bless You and This Country of Ours!
