Wednesday, June 30, 2010
For those of you that read the comments and those that are taking care of anybody with this damn disease you understand what Deb is talking about. Our lives take on a new direction. Not only are those with the disease withdrawn but so are the family members and the caregivers. We are withdrawn from society because we can't get them to go out or hold a conversation anymore. So yes we sit and watch tv shows and do things that we do not really want to do because it is what they want to do and it is hard. Try to keep doing normal things for you. If only it is to get out to the grocery store, or have lunch with a friend. We have lost our best freinds. And we will lose them again. Conversations are hard because they either do not want to talk or they can't get the right words out. We play charades alot. Joe will want to say something and usually starts ok but he ends up pointing or grimacing and I can usually figure out what it is he wants. As with everything else it too will go down the drain. Joe started this to let everybody that wanted to, realize what was happening inside a victims head, understand what they were going through. I am glad that he has helped.