Friday, May 20, 2011

Nails Of The Day - Sparkly Rouge

I fancied doing something a little bit fancy with my nails, something with a bit of a sparkle! Right after I'd put on some Kiss false nails I put on a coat of this beautiful raspberry red colour from Jessica. It's called 'Dynamic'.

That was followed by this gorgeous sparkly nail varnish from Maybelline. It's called 'Cosmic Flash'. How gorgeous is it?! I once remember reading about it on someone's blog and they described as 'glitter for adults!' It's sort of a milky/clear colour with a blue duo chromed glitter inside it - lovelyyy!

I finished it all off with a coat of clear nail polish from Barry M for a bit of extra shine and strength (not entirely necessary when you're wearing false nails as it tends to last so much longer regardless.)

Overall, the effect turned out quite nice! I bet the Maybelline glitter would look amazing over a navy blue nail polish - the blue glitter would really bring it out! Might have to try that next :)

Hope you enjoyed the post, let me know if you'd like any more nails of the day :)