Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To All The Best.

I hope you all had a great Christmas. We spent the time at the US Coast Guard Training Center in Petaluma with my daughter, son-in-law and 3 grand children. Now I am sick, kids were sick so gramps got it also now. Today we will be having Christmas with the rest of the family and grandkids.

I hope that next year is peaceful and blessed for you all.

I see my friend Mary in Canada has been going to town with her new site which will be updated on my links today, I hope. Need to remember to do it.

We have been putting in our third pond, moved my koi to the bigger one and lost my big guy. He was about 14 inches and around 3 pound, had him since little. Hopefully we can save the others, moved them back to old pond and started treating them, will see. So far we have lost about six. I do not know if I am sad, mad, pissed or who cares. This disease has really messed with my emotions and state of mind. As you can tell I am ok at this moment. Later who knows. So before I babble on like a brook, you all have a great day.

God Bless You & This Country of Ours!