Monday, February 8, 2010

Hello My Friends, Hello!

We are back from Petaluma. Daughter and new grandson doing well. She is home, Lucas still in hospital hopefully home this Saturday.

We finally got a room on base in guest quarters. Gramps here could not handle staying with the kids, even though we had our oun room. I needed a hide out period. Had to increase meds while there just to try and cope. Am Losing control of my emotions and ability to keep calm and mouth shut.

Came home sick again. But we have figured out the problem, their is mold and mildew all over tha t base and I am highly alergic to mold. So from now on will have to build up with antihistamines before we go.

Now to start back on the pond. God this disease just makes me not want to do things , forget what the hell I am doing and really now mly emotions and starting to not care about others, they are starting not to exist for me. I have a very hard time writing on this thing now. Mind wanders toooo much. But still can get out something. Body is starting to rule itself and not tell me. Eating I forget to eat or tha t I ate real pain.

Until we meet again.

God Bless You & This Country of Ours!