Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reading Blogs

I spent sometine today reading some friends blogs and leaving my ever uplifting comments. But you folks that change your links, dam tell me so I can keep my list correct. I list you so others can read as well. Hopefully the remaining 6 people I have invited will have the balls to post and the others will continue.

  • I would post daily if I could remember, but I start processing an entry and it starts one way, goes another, then turns left and winds up in the back forty, lost and me with it. Hope the changes are to you liking if not to bad, deal with it.
  • Like a legal pleading now.
  • Find days are slipping by quicker.
  • The brain is getting bluer. Always wanted to be a blue blood, but I have obtained higher standards I am a blue brain, Ok a dumbshit.
  • I was at my mens support group the other night, one of the guys there mothers has AD and wwe talk about it and he told me once that you could hardly tell, but his family insisted. He sees her every couple of months or so. Just got back and said he spent 4 hours with her and he was her brother and did not know what town they were in. He was a bit taken back. I asked is she about 4 years or so out from being labeled, he said yes and that she was on Aricipet (wonder drug, not). He asked me why and I told him the truth, she is on schedule. Also the A drug was for well toilet bowl cleaning in my opinion and many others. We hugged I cried for him and prayed for her to be set free soon. These are the real stories of AD not the commercials on TV or the movies, this is what it really does to us. Like a thief in the nite it suddenly takes what it wants when it wants.
  • God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours! (The Rest of The World Needs Help Also)
  • Joe