The book here "When Can I Go Home?", i got to read before it came out. See Dr. Joe is a friend of mine, even though he is a Phsyciahtrist, i cann't speel, that does not make him bad. It is a pretty good book for
caregivers to read I think.
Here is why I asked so many of you to become posters on this blog:
Message = Just found your blog and it is great. It might be a good help for me to understand my husband. He does not talk much about what he feels and when he does he yells. I try to listen but how do I get him to talk without being so mean? He has alzheimer's and was only diagnosed a few years ago but it seems that he is slipping more these days. I hope your troubles are few. You look like a fun guy.
Forget the last sentence. I get a great deal of emails from people like this lady. I can only answer from my side. She needs help fro you guys, you can see she is drowning in a sea she does not know how to swim in. Please POST and help her. This is part of my reason for not wanting to continue to post. I feel that we as a family are failing people like this lady. My emotions control me now rather than the other way around. Even if you do the same thing each day I am sure you do something different, maybe a minute that can help someone. I do the same thing each day, become more forgetful, angry, frustrated, pissed, fingers hurt typing all of this, my brain wanders while I am tyring to post. If you want to be a guest blogger on my blog, send me your email address and why and I will email you the link. Postings have to be all related to Dementia in anyform or caregibing to Dementia patients.
God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours (Help The World Too)!!