A few years ago we had the kitcehn remodeled. New Honey Oak Cabinets, with black nobs with dark cherry wood centers, the walls in a chocolate color, and a Brazilian Cherry Hardwood Floor, Black Stove & Microwave and a Black & Stainless Steel Dishwasher. Then there sat6 are very old but working fine White Refrigerator. So for years you know who has been bitching for one to match, yes me. Well we just purchased a new one. Reasons, much more energy efficient then are 15 year old one, quieter, it has crushed ice a must for me, but most importantly it is BLACK and matches the decor. Happy am I, yes, except for opening it.
You see the last one the bottom drawers were solid and you could not see what was in them. This one they are CLEAR and you see everything. So what you say, well let me tell you there are creatures in those bins. I open the door and they stare at me, I know they want me. I cannot look at them, sill y yess, but that is how my brain reacts to them.Lynn just says Joe, get over yourself and deal with it. Not so simple, things like this are creeping into my life now and I can only wonder what lies ahead. The part of my brain that still understands logic laughs at me, but there is that growing part that sees and witnesses strange things and seems to have more control. The stuff in thre drawers seems to have eyes and moves when I look at it, not anyone else, just me and that is what really counts is how I feel about it.Well I guess I will just have to outfit myself for hunting when I go to the refrig that way I am prepaired for any attack.
Thank you all for being here for me.
God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What is in YOUR Refrigerator?
alhziermers vs dementia •
alzheimers •
amazon.com •
caregivers •
cry •
death •
dementia •
friendship •
god •
health •
newsmax •
parkinsons •
seniors •
wife •
wiriness •