Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Vietnam – the world center of an acupuncture

The country is the leader in the field of east medicine.
In system of public health services of Vietnam there is a set of the state centers, private clinics and the practising licensed experts in scientifically well-founded traditional Vietnamese medicine – to an acupuncture (acupuncture) and a phytotherapy (treatment by grasses) which are fine alternative to the "western" treatment or well supplement it.

In medical high schools training to traditional Vietnamese medicine is carried out, fundamental kliniko-physiological researches are carried out.

Among the recognized centers of traditional medicine – Institute of an acupuncture and National clinic of traditional medicine (Hanoi), Hospital of traditional medicine and Institute of traditional medicine (Ho Chi Minh).
The acupuncture is a part of traditional east medicine, including, Vietnamese. The Vietnamese acupuncture shows impressing results. For example, professor Nguen Thaw Thu from acupuncture Institute, the vice-president of the World association of acupuncturists, has spent a series of scientific researches for the purpose of development and perfection of various techniques of acupuncture, such as introduction of medicinal preparations to points, acupuncture with application of an electricity of the weak power, specially developed complex of exercises and massage in a combination to acupuncture for restoration after illnesses. Application of these techniques has yielded appreciable results at treatment of a paralysis, dumbness, a loss of sight, a narcomania.

The acupuncture method also is very effective at such diseases as a neuralgia, the neuritis, a lumbago, a bronchitis, a nervosism, etc. Acupuncture also is used during operations as an anesthesia method thanks to what patients are fast restored after serious operations.