Saturday, March 3, 2012

Facelift. The whole truth and nothing but the truth

Facelift. The whole truth and nothing but the truth

Inexorable laws of gravity, not only in physics but also in cosmetics. Sadly, our face muscles gradually weaken, the contours become less clear. Hence the double chin, bags under the eyes and drooping corners of her mouth. However, these external manifestations of aging of skin, usually paid much less time than the notorious wrinkles. But a face lift, too, is very important. In this case requires not only the professional beauty services, but also self-lifting. If you are using effective methods, face lift at home will be no less effective than in the beauty salon. About these methods, we are today and we'll talk.

But first let's define what should be done to further aggravate the situation does not. There are a few rules, observing that, you prevent sagging skin, and hence the formation of excessive wrinkles.
To begin with, think about what position do you prefer to sleep. From sleep "face in the pillow," would have to give. After all, this posture provokes stretching of the skin - remember, what dents and marks on our faces remain after this dream. It is best to fall asleep while lying on his back.
Another rule - as little as possible to touch your face. By following it, you not only will save the skin from stretching, but also protect it from unnecessary pollution. After all, is not always our hands are perfectly clean. As for the cosmetic and cleaning procedures, try to do it as delicately. Wash lightly, and the cream is applied very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes, which is very thin and the first loses its elasticity.
There are several means. Using them regularly, you will realize that a face lift at home - a very real and very effective.
Beauty products for face liftAlmost all cosmetic products to improve skin elasticity has in its title, the term "lifting". That's lifting products and help us fight aging skin.
First, you need to choose the right cream. It should match with the goals set before us. So, except for the ingredients, smoothing wrinkles, it must be kept and those that provide the lifting of the skin. These ingredients in various cosmetics, include collagen and seaweed extract. Cosmetics manufacturers have also developed a set of active complexes that are effective for improving skin elasticity.
Choosing a lifting cream, pay attention to what effect it gives. Some cosmetics have immediate effect. They are actually instantly smooth the skin and make it more elastic, but this effect lasts only for a short time. On a daily face cream you're such a rate not wait, however, face lift will have a more stable result.
In addition to the cream to form a beautiful face and skin elasticity to help keep the various lifting mask. And with a combination of cosmetics, face lift is especially effective. However, it is important to observe the consistency and regularity. If you buy a mask and use it once or twice a month, visible results you can not wait. Lifting tools should be applied 2-3 times a week, and the corresponding face cream to use daily.
Facelift with massage
If you go to a professional cosmetologist you can not afford or simply do not have enough time to do so, may be a great alternative to a massage. By providing the skin overall beneficial effect, it also enhances its elasticity. Therefore, in the complex procedure of lifting massage must be present.
Independently carries out light stroking motion with your fingertips. They improve circulation, facilitate the flow of lymphatic fluid, and strengthen muscles. The forehead should be stroking upwards and cheeks - towards the temples. One procedure takes 3-5 minutes, but only for the visible results they need at least 20. Optimal regularity of self-massage - 2 or 3 times a week. Of course, the face and hands should be cleaned.
A facelift in the home includes another special massage, cleaning a double chin. For this we need a wet towel (moisten it should be in the cold and lightly salted water). Fold it in four, grasp the ends and gently pat yourself on the chin 10-15 times. After that, soak a towel in warm water and repeat the procedure. This massage is very effective contrast.
Chin at all - not a very pleasant thing, essentially spoiling the contours of the face. Therefore, it must be addressed separately. Sometimes a double chin appears long before we start using lifting means. However, to cope with this phenomenon is much easier than to remove bags under the eyes, wrinkles and other signs of weakening of facial muscles.
There are several exercises against the double chin. If you have no time for lifting procedure, try alternately to pronounce the sounds of "y" and "and" straining at the same facial muscles. Such an exercise can be done anywhere, anytime - for example, taking a shower.
Other exercises are more complex but more efficient. Sit up straight and substitute two fists under his chin. Try to drop your chin down, straining his fists up. Then open your mouth and as low as possible omit the language, trying to get him up to his chin. Strive to feel the tension of the muscles, then this exercise is really effective.
Facelift such simple way to help achieve good results. The main thing - do it regularly, not sporadically. Do not forget about the massage, cosmetics, and appropriate application of its right, and of course, a healthy lifestyle. Tuned to a strong change their appearance, and clearly doing all the rules, you will surely achieve success.