Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Par Boiled Fanny

Yes yours truly master of home repairs and as dense as a tree was at it again today. One needs to know that me and ladders do not belong in the same universe, I get on one and by the time I reach the second step on it I am 30 pounds lighter. Today we started on clean the outside of the house, redoing the pation and th driveway. Well do to my immense brain power I got on the roof to wash down the roof and upstairs portion of the house.  Well sitting on the roof was a bit on the hot side. Did you know that when you spray down a roof that the sun has been beating down on the water turns to steam, well I do now. As this small river came rushing down the roof towards my secure spot, it reached my butt, yess my backside, and it cooked it. I felt like I was sitting ing boiling water, guess what DAH i was. I am fighting this disease the best I can, but the longer we go down the road, the more I find out what I do not know that I thought I knew, before I found out that I did not have the first idea about it.

Lately when I get up I am not able to finish crossing that bridge from sleep to being fully awake. I was talking with my ologist this week and he asked if I felt like I was is a fog.  Well the answer is yes, the above is proof of that.Things are just not clear to me any more and I stop more in the middle of things then I did before and wind up doing something else. Each day I decide to write on here and say I should write things down before I post so I remeber what it is that I want to say. GREAT IDEA, problem is I sit down to do it and forget what it was I was going to do, welcome to dreamland.

Well I need to stand right now so you all be good to yourselves and THANK You for helping me win the new award posted on our blog. This is your victory as well.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!!!!