Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This Comment Deserves Posting Status

The following comment deserves to be used as a post. This is what I have tried to get others that were invited as posters to do. I share my side, you share yours.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "About the parboiling":

Good morning Lynn and Joe. I can certainly relate to this situation. Unfortunately, memory is not the only effect of this disease but also logic,reasoning, and EGO are noticably effected. We have one and a half acres of lawn which we have a good sized tractor for mowing. My husband refuses to allow me to mow with the tractor and always says that I wouldn't be able to handle it. The truth is I used to do the mowing with the tractor but he claims that he doesn't remember that I ever did. The truth has come out that he really feels it is the one thing he still does and doesn't want me taking over it. We have fought and fought over this over recent years now and I can't seem to win. His abilities to maneuver and control the tractor are noticably impared but I still cannot get him to concede to allow me to do the mowing. He is aware that he has problems with doing the mowing and procrastinates just as long as he possibly can. The best plan that I have come up with is to use the hand mower to cut the two areas that are potentially dangerous with the tractor. When I first started doing this he even continued to take the tractor over the same areas that I had already mowed just because he resented the idea that I felt it was something he could no longer do. I just can't seem to get across to him that just having him safe and uninjured by my side day after day is so much more important to me than him proving to himself that he can still do certain things. I think we could all benefit from hearing from others who have faced these challenges and how they were able to successfully navigate through these types of situations. Thank God Joe's experience was his parboiled fanny and not a fall from the roof! I pray that my husband's experience will only be damage to his tractor and not to his body.
May God bless us and guide us through our journey of life, whatever it brings our way!

Posted by Anonymous to Living with Alzhiemers' at 6:50 AM

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!!!