Thursday, September 30, 2010

TO BE CONTINUED-------------

Well I am back today. Hope you all are well.  My day is a bit foggy and slow, but that is how things go. It is cool and rainy here, rain part very unusual for us, but welcomed.

Now tehn since you have wiated with great anticipation, pounding hearts and sweaty palms here is what is going on. First can you guess why the title to this post? Bet your wrong.

Living With Alzhiemer's (A Conversation if You Will), is in the process of being published. All of you have made this possible and have contributed in one way or another to it. Hopefully it will be out before xmas 2355, you know how slow and forgetful I can get. The Book as it is called, is not a novel or such, it is our conversation we have had over the last 4 years I think. Completely unedited and to the point. Yes it is this blog in print, comments and all, except the side materials as they appear.

So to you all Thank You, for your support, caring, sharing and just being there as I make this journey.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!