Saturday, July 9, 2011

Alzheimer's The Relentless Predator!!!!

I have not talked much about me lately, been trying to give you other info.  But this blog is about my journey into neverland. Yes it is a voygae to places I do not know and people that look familar but yet are strangers.

I have been pretty lucky so far, but that is runnning out, the physical affects, my emotions and mental status are starting to change rapidly for me. Lynn has to wakee me up because I fall asleep while eating. I just stop in the middle of things, I sleep at the drop of a leaf and i forget what the hell i am talking about. My hearing is gettting worse, it never has been perfect, but the words I hear from people are becooming completly diferrent from what they are saying. Mornings use to be fine for me, not anymore, I get up still around 8am and out of bed, feed the she devil bird, my attack fish, take my meds hopefully, that all takes maybe an hour. And there I am sound asleep on the couch by 9:30 or so and completely unaware really of things until after noon.  Not that i become a mental genius suddenly but the fog clears for awhil not long anymore. I guess the 8 year path is right i am now in about year 6 or so and things are going away from me or I am going away. Not sure anymore. But you folks have been a blessing in my Life.  The Alzheimer's and Frontal Temporal Dementia are doing there job and getting much better at it. To all that bought my book Thank You, your money that I received has mostly been donated to The Alzheimer's Research Foundation.

so much for today, you all take care of yourselves.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!

PS> Last I Knew Alan Rogers was about to ascend Mt. Denali in Alaska, i think it is, and upon doing so that will be the 4th summit in his 7 Summit Climb for Alzheimer's. God be withyou Allen.