Monday, April 30, 2012

New Stuff for you.

If you look at the very bottom of the page when it opens you hopefulyl will see a new bar. Clickign on this will take you to differerent spots for Alzheimer's info. More has been added to the caretaker section on the side as well. ///////////////////////////////////There is a health news ticker on the right as well.  I have even added a contact button that you can ask me a direct question, which I will answer. do not quote me but i think i have to be on line not tested it yet. looking to bring a Facts and Question section as well. These have been in the months making I have trouble with this stufff now.
I find that there is more problems with my thoughts than before, i get confussed more, argue more because i do not untderstand things, i feel more and more left out, and really hate being told it is ok, because it is not. There maybe some professsionnal writing done for the blog, i am not sure of it as of yet. i am having more problems reccognizing people and knowing there names, family, friends, etc.
San Diego County Death rates
the chart will show that with figures through 2009 posted that Alzheimer's has reached number 3 in our county. I have heard on the news, but not been able to find the story to back it, that the number ONE leading cause of death among Women in the county is Alzheimer's. am trying to get new info, but i get lost in the searching, cannot remember what i am after and where i am or have beeeen.
Hope new stuff is useful to you.

God Bless & Keep You & This Country of Ours!