Sunday, April 4, 2010

May The Lord Bless You This Day & Always!!!!

From my family to yours a very Blessed and Happy Easter. To those of you who have entered this World of mine and do not celebrate the day, celebrate it with us for you are welcomed here.  To all I extend to you my hand so that YOU KNOW, THAT YOU, NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS THING CALLED LIFE ALONE EVER AGAIN.

Well I have started inviting some folks to be guest bloggers and we will see how this works. I have tried with a 24 hour chatroom for you, that was not used, different ways of talking not taken advantage of. See This is My Blog, but You are a part of it and I would like you to share in it. Only requirement is that you deal with dementia, as a caregiver, reasearcher or one on this road of unknown journey. Thanks Dr. Joe for being first to join in.

If you wish to join me and others here, just fill out the email form at the bottom of the right hand side and send me your email address and I will send you the info. Actually Blogger will send it for me.

Well the family has descended and I have found it necessary to retreat. I can only be a jungle jim for so long and I hurt. Body is definitely not what it once was, not that it was ever much to start with. My temper is much shorter and I have a hard time controlling me, so retreating works.

I feel lost today and not quite sure what the old brain wants besides to escape and be alone somewhere.

We may He Bless You All This Day and Forever.]

God Bless & Keep You and This Country of Ours and Yours!